zaterdag 24 april 2010

Style 3: style isn't about the price

It's almost hilarious that some fashionistas, spend this whole price fo one dress. Need I say more?
74,- Modstrom by

3,95 H&M

12,45 H&M

15,- Laura Dolls

Together: 105,40!

Style 2: She belongs to the city

A typical city outfit, especially for backpack city girls (read: girl who're on an expiditon in this great fashion metropolis, shopping in the most fashionista like shops, like it's Santiago de Compostella and end up with a visit to good old H&M, cause in fashion religion that is like Mekka or Jeruzalem, or whatever!) But.. uhm.. it's also the perfect outfit for a quick kiss-and-squeeze meeting with your boyfriend.
60 pounds, Topshop

18 pounds, New Look

24,96 H&M

69,90 Café Moda

35,- Fashion Luxury

Style 1: Rebell of the hockeyclub

Well, this is a pretty comfy outfit. And do you know what is the most funiest thing about this? With the cardigan you could be this typical preppy lacrosse/IvyLeague girl, but with that rock tee, you could also be a piece of trailer trash. Hah!
22 pounds, Asos

14,95 H&M

24,90 Mango

69,95 Pro Sport

Fashion trio

Especially, for you, you and YOU. I've got the first, amazing, dazzling, super duperfashion trio!
Fashion inspiration made by me.